हमारी धार्मिक वेबसाइट पर आपका हार्दिक स्वागत हैं। हिन्दू धर्म की जानकारी, वैदिक उपाय, व्रत-त्योहार पूजन विधि, पौराणिक व्रत कथा, पूजा शुभ मुहूर्त, राशिफल, भविष्यवाणी, कुण्डली जैसी भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के ज्योतिष शास्त्र लेख व जानकारियाँ अपने परिवारजन तथा मित्रगण से अधिक से अधिक शेयर करे। धन्यवाद!
29 December 2016
सज्जन अच्छे मित्रों के लक्षण || श्लोक
सज्जन अच्छे मित्रों के लक्षण
श्लोक :-
पापान्निवारयति योजयते हिताय,
गुह्यं निगूहति गुणान् प्रकटीकरोति।
आपद्गतं च न जहाति ददाति काले,
सन्मित्रलक्षणमिदं प्रवदन्ति सन्तः।।
अर्थ :-
सज्जन अच्छे मित्रों का लक्षण यह बतलाते हैं कि अच्छा मित्र मनुष्य को पाप कर्म से रोकता है, हितकारी कार्यों में लगाता है, गुप्त बातों को छिपाता है, गुणों को प्रकट करता है, आपत्तिग्रस्त होने के समय साथ नहीं छोड़ता है और समय पड़ने पर सहायता प्रदान करता है।
- धन्यवाद
19 December 2016
विध्यार्थी श्लोक मन्त्र - काक चेष्टा भावार्थः सहित
विध्यार्थी श्लोक मन्त्र
काक चेष्टा , बको ध्यानं,
स्वान निद्रा तथैव च ।
अल्पहारी, गृहत्यागी,
विद्यार्थी पंच लक्षणं ।।
भावार्थः :-
१. एक विध्यार्थी की कामयाब होने की कोशिशें उस कौवे की तरह होनी चाहिए, जिसने तिनका तिनका जोड़ के जलपात्र की सतह से पानी ऊपर लाया था।
२. विध्यार्थी का ध्यान बगुले की तरह होना चाहिए, जो अपनी एक टांग पर कई देर तक खड़े हुए अपने आहार उस मछली की प्रतीक्षा करता है और अंत में सफल होने तक अपना सारा ध्यान अपने लक्ष्य पर ही केंद्रित रखता है।
३. विध्यार्थी की निंद्रा उस स्वान (कुत्ते) की तरह होनी चाहिए की जो हल्की सी भी हलचल से तुरंत जाग जाता है, और सदैव पूरी तरह से चौकन्ना रहता है।
४. विध्यार्थी सदैव अपनी आवश्यकता के अनुसार ही कहना चाहिए, कदापि आवश्यकता से अधिक नहीं कहना चाहिए। अधिक आहार ग्रहण करने से मोटापा, बीमारी, आलास तथा बुद्धिहीनता अति है।
५. विध्यार्थी अपनी पढाई अपने घर के सुखद एवं आरामदायक जगह से दूर जा के करे, तो उसके सफल होने की संभावनाएं अधिक बढ़ जाती है। परंतु, अगर वह अपने घर पर ही रह के अभ्यास करना चाहे तो माता, पिता एवं परिजनों को उसे पूर्ण सहयोग देना चाहिए तथा विध्यार्थी की आसपास का माहोल पढ़ने के योग्य बनाने में अपना पूर्णरूप से योगदान प्रदान करे।
- धन्यवाद्
छात्रों के लिए एक प्रेरणास्प्रद कविता :-
बच्चो पढ़ाई है सुखदायी ,
मिले इस से तुमको बढ़ायी।
पहले थोड़ा कष्ट उठाओ,
फिर बाकि दिन आनंन्द उठाओ॥
16 December 2016
Individualities of a student with meaning in English
Individuality of a Student !
Kaak chesta bako dhyaanam!
Kaak cheshta bako dhyaanam,
Swan Nindra tathaiwa cha;!
Alpahaari, grihatyaagi,
Vidhyaarthi paanch lakshnam !!
Meaning :-
should be similar to a crow, Focus on the work like a crane, take alert sleep similar to that of a dog,
A student should have these characteristics besides he should eat a bit less and as far as possible, stay away from the sweet home (may be stay in a hostel) !
- Crow :- Repetitive, remember story of a crow trying to drink water from a pot, while placing pieces of stones to raise the water level.
In addition, there is one more motivating poem:
Bachcho padhna hei Sukhdayee,
Meelay is se tumko Badhaai,
Pehle thoda Kashtt uthwo,
fir Baaki Deen Aanad uthawo !
15 December 2016
अच्छी निंद्रा के लिए श्लोक - मन्त्र क्रमांक १
निंद्रा के समय का श्लोक - मंत्र
राम स्कन्धं हनुमतं ।
वैनतेयं वृकोदरम् ॥
शयनेय स्मरनित्यम् ।
दुस्वप्नम् तस्यनस्यति ॥
भावार्थः :-
हम प्रतिरात्रि भगवान श्री हनुमान जी, गरुड़ भगवान एवं वीर भीम जी को याद करते है कि वे हमें रात्रि में आने वाले ख़राब सपनो से हमारी रक्षा करे ।
श्लोक का महत्व :-

आम तौर पर आरामदायक निंद्रा , अच्छे सपने और अच्छी रात्रि के लिए यह मंत्र पढ़ना चहिये। यह श्लोक रात्रि में कभी अशुभ स्वप्न नहीं आने देता ।
जिसके फलस्वरूप हमारी सामान्य जीवनचर्या और सभी काम बहुत ही आसानी से और सफलतापूर्ण पूरे होते है ।
11 December 2016
Bed Time Prayer - Shlok No#1 in English
Shlok before going to bed
"Ramaskandam hanumantham vainatheye rukodaram,
Shayaneye smaren nithyam dus swapnam thasya nasyathi"
Meaning:- We pray every night to lord Shri Hanuman ji vynatheya (garuda) and Vrukodhara (Bheema) all the brave people to remove all bad dreams.
Importance of this Shlok :-

10 December 2016
The Secrets of Maa Kamakhya Devi Temple, Assam (The Shakti Peeth) in English
Maa Kamakhya Devi Temple
- The Maa Kamakhya Devi Temple is a Hindu temple, situated in Assam, India dedicated to the Goddess Maa Kamakhya Mata, one of the oldest Shakti Peeths of the World.
- There are so many unheard and true tales about the temple, here is the hidden secrets of Maa Kamakhya Devi temple you might have never heard of.
Goddess Sati wedded Lord Shiva against the wish of her father (king Daksha). Once
king Daksha was having a "Yagna", but he didn’t gave invitation Sati and Shiva.
Sati was very disappointed, but she still went to her father’s palace. When she
reached there, her father hurt her and insulted Lord Shiva. Sati was unable to
bear this disrespect for her husband Lord Shiva, so she jumped in the "Yagna"
fire and killed herself.
When Lord Shiva came to know
about this, he got very angry. Enraged Shiva wondered while holding the
dead body of Maa Sati in his arms. He started the dance (Tandava) of destruction of
the universe. Lord Vishu in order to save the universe, cut the body of
Sati into pieces with his Sudarshan chakra. Body parts of Sati fell at
different places and these places are known as the "Shakti Peeths".
Secrets of Maa Kamakhya Devi Temple
1. Kamakhya
Temple, Assam is one among the 52 shakti peeths of the World. Kamakhya
Temple is situated at the top of "Ninanchal Hill" (811 feet above sea
level) in the Western part of Guwahati, Assam. There is no image of Shakti
here within a corner of the cave in the temple, there is sculptured
image of the oni of the goddess, which is the object of reverence. A
natural spring keeps the stone moist. Other temples on the Ninanchal
Hill include those of Tara, Bhairavi, Bhuvaneshwari and Ghantakarna.
2. The temple was destroyed in the 16th century and then rebuilt in the 17th century by king "Nara Narayana" of Cooch Bihar.
2. The temple was destroyed in the 16th century and then rebuilt in the 17th century by king "Nara Narayana" of Cooch Bihar.
3. The current
temple has a beehive-like Shikhara with delightful sculptured panels and
images of Ganesha and other Hindu Gods and Goddesses on the outside.
4. The temple
consists of three major chambers. The western chamber is large and
rectangular and is not used by general pilgrims for worship. The middle
chamber is a square with a small idol of the Goddess, a later addition.
The walls of this chamber contain sculpted images of Nara Narayana,
related inscriptions and other Gods.
5. The middle chamber
leads to the sanctum of the temple in the form of a cave, which consists
of no image, but a natural underground spring that flows through a
yoni-shaped cleft in the bedrock.
6. In Kamakhya temple, yoni of the Goddess fell.
7. Naraka took it as a
challenge and tried all with his might to do this marathon task. He was
almost about to accomplish the job when the Devi, panic-stricken as she
was to see this, played a trick on him. She strangled a cock and made it
crow untimely to give the impression of dawn to Naraka. Duped by the
trick, Naraka thought it was a futile job and left it half way through.
Later he chased the cock and killed it in a place which is now known as
Kukurakata, situated in the district of Darrang. The incomplete
staircase is known as Mekhelauja path.
Story about the stair case of the temple
was a demon Naraka who fell in love with Goddess Kamakhya and wanted to
marry her. Goddess put a condition that if he would be able to build a
staircase from the bottom of the Ninanchal Hill to the temple within one
night, then she would surely marry him.
- Apart from the daily puja offered to Kamakhya Devi, many types of special pujas are also held round the year in Kamakhya Temple. These pujas are Durga Puja, Pohan Biya, Durgadeul, Vasanti puja, Madandeul, Ambuvaci and Manasa puja.
Durga Puja:- Durga Puja is celebrated every year during the month of September-October,
also known as “Navratri”.
Ambubachi Puja:- This is also an annually celebrated fertility festival of Maa Kamakhya
Devi. It is assumed that the Goddess experience menstrual during the period and
the temple remains closed for 3 days and then opened with great festivity on fourth
day called Ambubachi Mela.
Pohan Biya:- This festival is celebrated as symbolic marriage between Lord Kamesvara
and Kamesvari Devi during the Hindi month of Pausha during December-January.
Vasanti Puja:- Vasanti puja is carried out at Kamakhya Devi temple in the Hindi month
of Chaitra or during March-April.
Manasha Puja:- This Puja is performed from Sankranti and continues up to the second
day of Bhadrapad.
Durgadeul:- During the month of Phalguna, Durgadeul is observed in Kamakhya. Madandeul:- This deul is observed during the month of Chaitra when Lord Kamadeva and Kamesvara is offered special puja.
Lord Shri Ganesha Shloka Mantra with meaning , भगवान श्री गणेश जी के श्लोक मंत्र एवं अर्थ
Ganesha Shlok
Vakra-Tunndda Maha-Kaaya Suurya-Kotti Samaprabha |
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryessu Sarvadaa ||
गणेश श्लोक
वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ ।
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा ॥
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा ॥
Please, Make All my Works Free of Difficulties , Always.
अर्थ :- हे टेढ़ी सूँड वाले , हे विशाल देह वाले, करोड़ों सूर्यों जैसे दीप्त भगवान ! मेरे सब कार्य (आपकी कृपा से) सदा निर्विघ्न रूप से पूर्ण हों।
तथ्य :- शुभ कारी गणेश शंकर एवं देवी पार्वती के पुत्र हैं। यह स्वयं बुद्धि का प्रतीक हैं। ऋद्धि(समृद्धि) और सिद्धि(अध्यात्म) इमकी धर्मपत्नियाँ है। लाभ (ऋद्धि से) और शुभ (सिद्धि से) इनके दो पुत्र हैं। किसी भी शुभ कार्य में सर्वप्रथम इनकी पूजा का चलन है। इनके प्रमुख आठ अवतार माने जाते हैं। अंत: भगवान श्री गणेश जी को अष्टविनायक कहा जाता है।
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